Custom Tibetan rugs are our specialty

Tibet Home is committed to producing the highest quality, expertly crafted Tibetan rugs, and we put every effort into achieving the perfect balance of design and colors.

We specialize in custom hand-knotted designs, color and sizes up to 22'x32'.
Our special relationship with our production facilities enables us to produce high standard custom work on a timely basis while maintaining a competitive market price for quality rugs. 



Ordering a custom rug is simple

we will assist you in every step

choose your rug size and shape

customize your design from our program line

match your colors from our wide range of yarn color swatches

and we will do the rest

Every step of the rug-making process is done manually

Tibet Home rugs are made from Tibetan wool, which has an intense durability and becomes even more beautiful over time, developing an exquisite silk-like sheen with age and use.

We only use hand-spun Himalayan wool, which has an uneven structure and achieves a very fine yarn with higher knot counts. This results in a natural look that highlights the nuances of the pattern and detail. This technique also ensures that every rug is dense, firm and long lasting.